103256908 : This wave of earnings data is really just right; what is your average price
平常心面对一切 : Are you in too?
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : I'm judging that it will continue to fall; fortunately, it's still not empty
平常心面对一切 fire bull l OP : …….
平常心面对一切 fire bull l OP : I started the layout last week. Fortunately, it lived up to expectations
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : 387 has broken through
平常心面对一切 fire bull l : Not going
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : I'll take a look tomorrow,
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : I still have a few remaining input positions. I'll check the situation tomorrow and talk about it
平常心面对一切 fire bull l OP : Have you just joined?
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103256908 : This wave of earnings data is really just right; what is your average price
平常心面对一切 : Are you in too?
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : I'm judging that it will continue to fall; fortunately, it's still not empty
平常心面对一切 fire bull l OP : …….
平常心面对一切 fire bull l OP : I started the layout last week. Fortunately, it lived up to expectations
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : 387 has broken through
平常心面对一切 fire bull l : Not going
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : I'll take a look tomorrow,
fire bull l OP 平常心面对一切 : I still have a few remaining input positions. I'll check the situation tomorrow and talk about it
平常心面对一切 fire bull l OP : Have you just joined?
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