73544029 : How do you look at this?
Quinimal OP 73544029 : Go to NMRA, Click Chart, scroll down
73544029 Quinimal OP : I mean how can you tell big investors? I wanna learn
Quinimal OP 73544029 : XL orders are larger orders
Quinimal OP Quinimal OP : In other words, they’re the top 10% in order size
73544029 : How do you look at this?
Quinimal OP 73544029 : Go to NMRA, Click Chart, scroll down
73544029 Quinimal OP : I mean how can you tell big investors? I wanna learn
Quinimal OP 73544029 : XL orders are larger orders
Quinimal OP Quinimal OP : In other words, they’re the top 10% in order size