This might have pissed off HOU since she was losing money. So she might have hired the scammers to sell most of her shares at profits which might be the reason why she sold parts of her shares almost everyday during the pump. she sold around 291 M shares at profits which we, the retailers, bought from her at different price between 1 and 2.
73574101 Paul : I agree 100%. Selling at the restart will increase everyone’s loss. Let the market open and Bozza will find it’s footing and most likely rise on the assets and true value of the company.
Busy Bee : Don’t you think she is screwed too? When the acquisition completes, the price could go up dramatically too. I am watching the market for a while but not going to take any action yet.
73015995 OP Busy Bee : She made a lot of profit from selling her 291M shares. She may not care about what she has left since she probably gained back her money with what she sold already.
dseifert6 : Does anyone have an idea then of when it will resume? I’ve read several different opinions. Thank you for the research!!
Holeinmypocket : The million dollar question is when is it going to reopen?
73391671 : I sure hope you're right, but I'm sure the majority of us that got scammed are not aware of this and will panic sell. How do we get the word out
73391671 : can someone post this to yahoo finance? big group in there talking about this also. I tried to copy and paste but it did not work.
73015995 OP 73391671 : There is a lot of us on moomoo but majority (including me) used IBKR. Maybe we should try to find a page somewhere else talking about this stock
73391671 : Also, is there any way to know how many of the 541 million shares are from us that got scammed? if it's a large percent than it could be a rough ride.
71421382 : Would you help us to do it by advising us when and at what price ?
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