-- 110.570 AVGO
-- 179.450 TSLA
-- 263.450 PLTR
-- 80.460 MRVL
Marvell Technology
-- 72.280 - USA JOLTS Job Openings: Unexpectedly increased, leading to a view that while the labor market is cooling down, it is not decelerating rapidly. The number of job openings in August significantly surpassed the market expectation of 7.69 million to reach 8.04 million, and the July results were also revised upward from the preliminary 7.67 million to 7.71 million.
- USA ISM Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index for September: At 47.2, lower than market expectations and the same level as August. Particularly weak in the employment sector, dropping from 46.0 in August to 43.9 in September.
- ADP Employment Change: Recorded employment growth exceeding expectations, contradicting other indicators showing a cooling labor market. A month-on-month increase of 0.143 million jobs, indicating a rebound after 5 months of slowing growth. August's increase was also upwardly revised to 0.103 million jobs.
- Initial Jobless Claims: Slightly exceeded the market expectation of 0.221 million with 0.225 million claims, and the previous value was revised upward from 0.218 million to 0.219 million.
- S&P Global Services PMI Flash Estimate: Recorded 55.2, falling below the expected value of 55.4 as well as the previous figure of 55.4.
・米非農業部門雇用者数:0.254 million人増と予想を大幅に上回り、3月以来最大の伸びとなった。失業率は予想外に4.1%に低下し、労働市場の大幅な悪化に対する市場の懸念は緩和された。7月と8月の雇用者数が合計0.072 million人上方修正された。