102760057 : another 13% up today
D3vi1 OP 102760057 : Sell before crash down
D3vi1 OP :
奎喜 : So, did you sell it?
D3vi1 OP 奎喜 :
奎喜 D3vi1 OP : Congratulations.
D3vi1 OP 奎喜 : Nothing to congrats. Tml can soar :)
102760057 : soared
102760057 : another 13% up today
D3vi1 OP 102760057 : Sell before crash down
D3vi1 OP :
奎喜 : So, did you sell it?
D3vi1 OP 奎喜 :
奎喜 D3vi1 OP : Congratulations.
D3vi1 OP 奎喜 : Nothing to congrats. Tml can soar :)
102760057 : soared