Dragon Fish
Government bailed out NIO already once. Very unlikely, they do it a second time. Let the competitors buy up NIOs rubble for cheap. Will be bad luck for UAE, but that happens sometimes. They have other, more successful investments. No need for them to throw good money after the bad. UNLESS "The Leading ZERO" resigns. BTW, in Japan such a successful CEO would have used already his katana on himself. Japanese have honor.
Dragon Fish : If Nio is going to bankrupt you can short now.
101897523 666 : no worry...govt is looking after this EV bro...
Dragon Fish 101897523 666 : Two govts are looking after Nio. One is China and another one is the UAE.
y f ii 101897523 666 : All police cars in China will be purchasing Nio.
WKY57 : I think he meant he is going bankrupt soon.
Alwin Cheng WKY57 :
王羽 y f ii : Where did you read the news?
74216494 Dragon Fish : Every uptick of NIO good reason to SHORT it. Coming down nicely again :-)
74216494 Dragon Fish : Government bailed out NIO already once. Very unlikely, they do it a second time. Let the competitors buy up NIOs rubble for cheap. Will be bad luck for UAE, but that happens sometimes. They have other, more successful investments. No need for them to throw good money after the bad. UNLESS "The Leading ZERO" resigns. BTW, in Japan such a successful CEO would have used already his katana on himself. Japanese have honor.
74216494 y f ii : Be careful. You might be sued by NIO, spreading wrong info.
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