sc koh
Papa Powell
Please, stock trading is risky. Are you making money? Try it for three months to see how much it will rise. If you don't know, don't pretend to understand everything, everything has a recipe. Life is like a stock, just like how much money you've earned and how much you've lost in your life
Intellectually Lucky : Why? Have any rationale?
Papa Powell : So sorry but 4.6 -> 4.1 -> 3.5 Just look at Debt to Equity and Nett Profit , most importantly negative PE? What are you expecting ?
Anyways nothing wrong with buying and selling, risk management is the top priority Stay safe guys and have a great week!
sc koh OP Papa Powell : Please, stock trading is risky. Are you making money? Try it for three months to see how much it will rise. If you don't know, don't pretend to understand everything, everything has a recipe. Life is like a stock, just like how much money you've earned and how much you've lost in your life
量子狄拉克 sc koh OP : Every stock forum is full of rhetoric. Just figure out what you buy and sell for yourself.
Papa Powell sc koh OP : Three months ago, what’s the price point? Then you know if I’m earning hard to discuss with user with 0 trade