more sale more losses .nio sale up .sale and admin staff also up more .plus massive rnd posses so always 700mil USD losses per quarter .3rd quarter worst with 756mil usd losses even selling at maximum capacity .so alway more sale more loss .nio just run by a massive loss ceo .that why goldman and barclay convert to shorties and earn billion shorting nio.shorting nio more profitable than nio selling car . ultimate nio bag holder need to pay for nio expenses and reward shorties .
Dragon Fish : No surprise number.
103027647 : more sale more losses .nio sale up .sale and admin staff also up more .plus massive rnd posses so always 700mil USD losses per quarter .3rd quarter worst with 756mil usd losses even selling at maximum capacity .so alway more sale more loss .nio just run by a massive loss ceo .that why goldman and barclay convert to shorties and earn billion shorting nio.shorting nio more profitable than nio selling car . ultimate nio bag holder need to pay for nio expenses and reward shorties .
TWP PaPa OP : Nio.. - YouTube