most onvo Manager n sale men come from nio ,so they will poach nio customer n sell onvo to them instead of buying nio .thus premium cars keep reduce cannibalise by onvo .sales n admin free with many onvo stores opening also impact nio with huge losses .nio mgmt terrible n enjoy burn investor money thru duplication n redundant sale and admin force .nio should close all onvo store to stop internal fighting and cut rnd thalen can reduce massive quartely loss.ceo aleay think he can con Arab to give him billions to burn in his cash incinerator.
74216494 : Happy SHORTing ! NIO stands for No Investment Opportunity.
WKY57 : Car company need to develop 1 good model (Porsche Cayenne) instead of many mediocre models.
73162089 : When Goodman sucks say Sell, means they want to buy your NIO shares at low!
WKY57 : Will you rather own 1 Lamborghini or every few years change a Toyota ?
103027647 : most onvo Manager n sale men come from nio ,so they will poach nio customer n sell onvo to them instead of buying nio .thus premium cars keep reduce cannibalise by onvo .sales n admin free with many onvo stores opening also impact nio with huge losses .nio mgmt terrible n enjoy burn investor money thru duplication n redundant sale and admin force .nio should close all onvo store to stop internal fighting and cut rnd thalen can reduce massive quartely loss.ceo aleay think he can con Arab to give him billions to burn in his cash incinerator.