i want to setup a business soon but I am not looking for product expert. I want to look for best Sales and Marketing team that can cook story lol
Yep. ET5 was projected to be a TSLA killer already ... How did it do in relity ? CEO ("The Leading ZERO") of NIO admitted, for 4 years already to have missed the projections. All of a sudden a change ? No more trust in pipe dreams. BTW: Why does Mr. LiE not buy NIO shares himself, because of his sky-high preojections ?
XSpace : ONVO’s sales are projected to surpass those of the Model Y in the near future.
TMW1986 : Slow and steady. Power of Nio will be shown in the next 6 months.
不回家的paul XSpace : Did the sales exceed Model Y? Where did you see the data?
bullbearnme : i want to setup a business soon but I am not looking for product expert. I want to look for best Sales and Marketing team that can cook story lol
Leonwong92 不回家的paul : Without battery =15W
74216494 XSpace : Yep. ET5 was projected to be a TSLA killer already ... How did it do in relity ? CEO ("The Leading ZERO") of NIO admitted, for 4 years already to have missed the projections. All of a sudden a change ? No more trust in pipe dreams. BTW: Why does Mr. LiE not buy NIO shares himself, because of his sky-high preojections ?
74216494 TMW1986 : Old info. Read that 3 years ago already ...