now nio open a separate sale and admin team for onvo .they are stealing clients from nio .would be et5 or es6 buyers got sway to buy onvo instead .thus sale admin cost up but nio sale value drop Due nio premium brand to replace by sub brand
More reasons to SHORT NIO: Higher costs because of second sales channel (in the past, I argued against it several times), lower margins (increasing losses) because of dropping NIO sales, ONVO not pofitable with les than 20k deliveries, at least. Which is still to be seen. Happy SHORTing ! "The Leading ZERO" of NIO is with the shorts.
WayneTheBoon : He’s just full of BS Chinese scammer
103484522 : now nio open a separate sale and admin team for onvo .they are stealing clients from nio .would be et5 or es6 buyers got sway to buy onvo instead .thus sale admin cost up but nio sale value drop Due nio premium brand to replace by sub brand
74216494 103484522 : More reasons to SHORT NIO: Higher costs because of second sales channel (in the past, I argued against it several times), lower margins (increasing losses) because of dropping NIO sales, ONVO not pofitable with les than 20k deliveries, at least. Which is still to be seen. Happy SHORTing ! "The Leading ZERO" of NIO is with the shorts.