Dragon Fish
It does not appear that Citadel is currently holding any notable short position on Nio (NIO) as of recent filings. However, other hedge funds have been active in shorting or taking put options on Nio stock. Major funds like D.E. Shaw, Squarepoint Ops, and Jane Street have been reported to hold significant put positions, which indicate bearish bets on Nio’s future price direction. The short interest on Nio has increased to around 189 million shares, or about 11% of its outstanding shares, as of mid-October 2024, indicating that Nio remains a popular short target among institutional investors.
WayneTheBoon : Aaron, this ship has sunk
Dragon Fish : It does not appear that Citadel is currently holding any notable short position on Nio (NIO) as of recent filings. However, other hedge funds have been active in shorting or taking put options on Nio stock. Major funds like D.E. Shaw, Squarepoint Ops, and Jane Street have been reported to hold significant put positions, which indicate bearish bets on Nio’s future price direction. The short interest on Nio has increased to around 189 million shares, or about 11% of its outstanding shares, as of mid-October 2024, indicating that Nio remains a popular short target among institutional investors.