Haha, this is the son of the gambling king, I'll show you the name, but there is still room for growth , it just seems like self-speculation with the current rate of increase, once the rookies enter, it will likely pull back to 9-11 yuan.
吸财D : China Securities doesn't need anything to make money to follow Zhuang
NVDAvsTSLA OP 吸财D : 你可太天真了,跟着庄走,底裤都不剩,十有九输
2120Dude : only trade pre and post market. mucho denaro.
103216711 : Haha, this is the son of the gambling king, I'll show you the name, but there is still room for growth
, it just seems like self-speculation with the current rate of increase, once the rookies enter, it will likely pull back to 9-11 yuan.