Troy Roberson
so just hold this is going to catch all the shorts off guard we are near bottom anyways and on top of that they have borrowed shares they have not been returned yet. it's been collected so much interest it's crazy. this will go above 1 dollar specially if any pr comes out . it's a ticking time bomb. and if you know who is rara koko is all his discord is in on it been holding shares for months all of my discord im in is in it just holding. we got time with no interest but the shorts dont the interest getting them it's a waiting game now
Lnova : wait I’m confused. Did cnsp post this after they had already regained compliance?
PrimeTimeFortySix : “regained compliance” what a JOKE
Lnova : so it’s not in danger of delisting then or ?
Lnova : They always shorting csnp
Troy Roberson OP Lnova : it's not going to delist they got until next year
Troy Roberson OP Lnova : so just hold this is going to catch all the shorts off guard we are near bottom anyways and on top of that they have borrowed shares they have not been returned yet. it's been collected so much interest it's crazy. this will go above 1 dollar specially if any pr comes out . it's a ticking time bomb. and if you know who is rara koko is all his discord is in on it been holding shares for months all of my discord im in is in it just holding. we got time with no interest but the shorts dont the interest getting them it's a waiting game now