commented on a stock · Dec 25 05:36
No governments insure for cryptocurrencies?
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ wonder if any government insures for cryptocurrency wallets like FDIC insures for bank accounts?
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
EZ_money : nope no protection on anything
EZ_money : easy to hack probably the easiest because it's the oldest running on just old tcp/ip protocols no SSL on it
EZ_money : that reminds me... what's your exchange
EZ_money : old old insecure technology
mikem85 : get a business plan put together crypto insurance will fetch a premium. I'm in
EZ_money : actually dude has a good idea probably too late already someone seeing this and working on one
Stock_Drift : I don’t think you understand decentralized currency, (as a new asset class) or block chain but this book covers it well. “Government regulation” of any kind was the whole reason for Bitcoin and decentralized currency as block chain had been around before. They wanted all middle cut out and block chain gave crypto the opportunity to do that. You mess with the cache of even one block and you have to mes with ALL the blocks prior. Do know how long that would take? $Cardano (ADA.CC)$ is a perfect example.
HSC_hipot OP Stock_Drift : The problem is either the founder team or hackers can easily change the rules about those you just explain. No one no matter public or private organizations is willing to insure or at least the take the full responsibility for the risk or accident. For example, if your bitcoin wallet was hacked, are you able to get them back or at least receive some compensation?
Stock_Drift HSC_hipot OP : Your Bitcoin wallet is another planet from what I was talking about. Sorry.
HSC_hipot OP Tonyco : $2.2 Billion Stolen in Crypto in 2024 but Hacked Volumes Stagnate
Is this not about bitcoin being hacked?