OPJ L 7 2
That’s what MooMoo has! It’s not pulled from all brokers during PM for some reason! Like right now! The true volume ( live volume ) is 3,897,239
J L 7 2
My friend just bought 800 shares of Xpon, but the current balance in the account is only 265 shares. He can't figure out what's going on.
J L 7 2 : Currently it's only 0.53 million++, still far away from the target.
Trytosaveabit OP J L 7 2 : That’s what MooMoo has! It’s not pulled from all brokers during PM for some reason! Like right now! The true volume ( live volume ) is 3,897,239
J L 7 2 Trytosaveabit OP : moomoo的编排功能在睡觉吗
Anthony tan81 : true volume of trades for pm have to look for nasdaq webby
Trytosaveabit OP Anthony tan81 : Yup yup! Big difference between MM and real volume! Hehehe
J L 7 2 Trytosaveabit OP : 是在做手脚吗?
Trytosaveabit OP J L 7 2 : No! If you want true volume during PM go to like Nasdaq
J L 7 2 Trytosaveabit OP : My friend just bought 800 shares of Xpon, but the current balance in the account is only 265 shares. He can't figure out what's going on.
Trytosaveabit OP J L 7 2 : There probably wasn’t enough shares for sale at the price he bought? So they only filled part of the order so far!
J L 7 2 Trytosaveabit OP : 他发给我看了 已经进完单了 都呈现在他的记入里了
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