Zam Zam Alakazam : IPO was selected. Very envious. I can only watch and cry..
失败是成功之母 OP Zam Zam Alakazam : I didn't win either haha.
103495479 : I didn't win either
NIC TAN Zam Zam Alakazam : I didn't win either
103652545 : How to buy, can you teach me.
103694913 : So you are the one who cause the roller costal today
失败是成功之母 OP 103694913 : One day still in the market.There will always be opportunities.
103694913 失败是成功之母 OP : I don't plan to become a Shareholder of Huayang in the new year
失败是成功之母 OP 103694913 : Can only hope for the market makers to go long for a few more days. It made you get off the bus 🫡
101513278 : Is it easier to be approved if many applications are submitted?
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Zam Zam Alakazam : IPO was selected. Very envious. I can only watch and cry..
失败是成功之母 OP Zam Zam Alakazam : I didn't win either haha.
103495479 : I didn't win either
NIC TAN Zam Zam Alakazam : I didn't win either
103652545 : How to buy, can you teach me.
103694913 : So you are the one who cause the roller costal today
失败是成功之母 OP 103694913 : One day still in the market.
There will always be opportunities.
103694913 失败是成功之母 OP : I don't plan to become a Shareholder of Huayang in the new year
失败是成功之母 OP 103694913 : Can only hope for the market makers to go long for a few more days.
It made you get off the bus 🫡
101513278 : Is it easier to be approved if many applications are submitted?
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