一天赚一点莫贪 : I am 32.
Contender : anything below 40 is still alright, of course 30 would be better
104668727 : My average $33.2 and feeling comfortable
70557046 : You are NOT an idiot my friend. Your investment will payoff. Paytience Pays :)
MoneyManyMan 70557046 : I am ur neighbour level 38, refuse to add any position, unless there’s good news from DJT
Alexi : I'm 46
Ineedtosleep : 29 all in now(joking)
MatthewLee369 : I am 44, what should I do?
一天赚一点莫贪 : I am 32.
Contender : anything below 40 is still alright, of course 30 would be better
104668727 : My average $33.2 and feeling comfortable
70557046 : You are NOT an idiot my friend. Your investment will payoff. Paytience Pays :)
MoneyManyMan 70557046 : I am ur neighbour level 38, refuse to add any position, unless there’s good news from DJT
Alexi : I'm 46

Ineedtosleep : 29 all in now(joking)
MatthewLee369 : I am 44, what should I do?