103256908 : Why do you need the police to be reasonable, how many rebound have you seen in this wave of earnings reports?
平常心面对一切 : normal hahahaha
ddpp OP 103256908 : 450
103256908 ddpp OP : 450 still needs time to wait. Let's take a look at the first support level first. The last-minute gains driven by this financial report will be cut tomorrow
103256908 : Why do you need the police to be reasonable, how many rebound have you seen in this wave of earnings reports?
平常心面对一切 : normal hahahaha
ddpp OP 103256908 : 450
103256908 ddpp OP : 450 still needs time to wait. Let's take a look at the first support level first. The last-minute gains driven by this financial report will be cut tomorrow