EZ_money OP : no reason to sell off? no bad news no major dilution.... I'll buy the blood
EZ_money OP : energy costs goes up in the mid winter and again in the mid summer. heating and air conditioning
HailTheApocalypse : I made some EZ money off of LAES llol
EZ_money OP HailTheApocalypse :
EZ_money OP HailTheApocalypse : congratulations
HailTheApocalypse EZ_money OP : thank you. bout time something went my way.
EZ_money OP HailTheApocalypse : timing is everything... entry and exit levels
HailTheApocalypse EZ_money OP : yep. but I'm still learning. I can never learn enough but I'm certainly willing and able. I'm also fortunate enough to have a great community of folks here to learn from. so thank you very much.
EZ_money OP : no reason to sell off? no bad news no major dilution.... I'll buy the blood
EZ_money OP : energy costs goes up in the mid winter and again in the mid summer. heating and air conditioning
HailTheApocalypse : I made some EZ money off of LAES llol
EZ_money OP HailTheApocalypse :

EZ_money OP HailTheApocalypse : congratulations
HailTheApocalypse EZ_money OP : thank you. bout time something went my way.
EZ_money OP HailTheApocalypse : timing is everything... entry and exit levels
HailTheApocalypse EZ_money OP : yep. but I'm still learning. I can never learn enough but I'm certainly willing and able. I'm also fortunate enough to have a great community of folks here to learn from. so thank you very much.