Don't kill the messenger. I'm sorry that some people can't deal with reality. Stock goes up, and stock comes down. Do you really expect it to continue forever? People need a reality check. I just call it like I see it. The initial drop is always so gentle and slow, just like boiling a frog under slow heat. Get cooked before he knows it, and it's too late to leave.
P101010 : buyers market bro. don't worry time will come soon 130
MonkeyGee OP P101010 : buying? The drop just started
MonkeyGee OP : I'm sorry that some people can't deal with reality. Stock goes up, and stock comes down. Do you really expect it to continue forever? People need a reality check. I just call it like I see it. The initial drop is always so gentle and slow, just like boiling a frog under slow heat. Get cooked before he knows it, and it's too late to leave.
MonkeyGee OP : it's almost 118. Who would ever thought that would ever happen. I guess Im the only one.
MonkeyGee OP : Here we go Ladies and gentlemen NVDA is under 118. And for those haters, I like to say I told you so !
MonkeyGee OP : so if we don't close above 118 today. expect a deeper drop.
MonkeyGee OP : I hope people can see that I'm not blowing smoke up the hole. Even with TSM beating earnings, NVDA still goes below 118. I hate to see what happens if NVDA doesn't beat earnings. Even beating earnings last time, it dropped hard. I know this all doesn't make sense. it makes sense if you are the AI programmer.
MonkeyGee OP : Hate to say told you so. But I hope people who follow me go the benefits.