Jensen Huang is an excellent CEO who set out to change the world for the better. He has done so and in the process returned a great deal of share value to investors. The fact that he has cashed in a small fraction of his stock based compensation has no bearing on Nvidia’s performance beyond paying it’s leader for a job well done. He has given no indication that he might leave the company and still controls a massive number of shares. I am bullish on Nvidia going forward and for the longterm. Excellent management, unsurpassed products and R&D that has consistently left would be competetors in the dust. I see no reason why this wouldn’t continue, as Nvidia is already building it’s next big lead, and the one after that. Blackwell will bring in a huge amount of revenue, of course. And I expect more excellence will be forthcoming in the future.
BLACKLIST00 : Yes, I just developed the shares this morning. Later, I will share the result of my share dvidia
BLACKLIST00 : and I along with the prof and partner always discuss how to improve the stock @
Dan’l : $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$
Insiders ownership is at 4.23%
with 0 buyers and 9 sellers
within the past year,
for a total of $978.61 M.
NVDA’s market cap is $2.976 T.
(SoOo… let’s goOo, Blackwell ~;-)
Billy Kemp : l thought you insight on the NVIDIAwas really good . Another words l found you sharing to be beneficial to me . Thank you very much . l need good information cause l just do. Thanks a lot it was very good sharing .
BelleWeather OP Dan’l : Stock based compensation explains that, I think. Also, taxes. (Would I had that particular tax issue, haha.)
Dan’l BelleWeather OP : Car repairs can get expensive…
Billy Kemp Dan’l : Thank you . I know repairs are sometimes over the top can be like buying another car, Thanks again Billy