I think you're going to see a bidding war start this week 3 billion is peanuts compared to the upside and if you look at where the stock was in the past. depending upon who the potential acquire is by using stock as opposed to cash it's cheap it means nothing when you issue stock cash is really King when it comes to a buyout. so a 4 billion dollar offer $5 billion dollar offer that's a rounding error to a company based off of the needs of future development future profits
151467742 : Can you send a screenshot of the document?
Edmund5311 : 3.3bn only? sounds not that good
10baggerbamm : I think you're going to see a bidding war start this week 3 billion is peanuts compared to the upside and if you look at where the stock was in the past. depending upon who the potential acquire is by using stock as opposed to cash it's cheap it means nothing when you issue stock cash is really King when it comes to a buyout. so a 4 billion dollar offer $5 billion dollar offer that's a rounding error to a company based off of the needs of future development future profits
101718992 Edmund5311 : 3.3b in OP’s post refers to the current market valuation/capitalisation of ALTM, not the offer price.
152390662 : opportunistic bid by RIO. it's going a lot higher than $6 a share.