馬上發 OP 72372615 : ok
馬上發 OP 72372615 : please inform if can buying
ShyFish_ 馬上發 OP : Can start buying a bit... 110, 100/ 94, 80
馬上發 OP 72372615 : tq
102450266 馬上發 OP : That's your style of trading? It's dangerous.
馬上發 OP 72372615 : ok
馬上發 OP 72372615 : please inform if can buying
ShyFish_ 馬上發 OP : Can start buying a bit... 110, 100/ 94, 80
馬上發 OP 72372615 : tq
102450266 馬上發 OP : That's your style of trading? It's dangerous.