Whatever comes down will have to go up eventually. It's just a matter of when isn't it? Honestly, do you think crypto, tesla, broadcom will keep breaking record high time after time? Once it's at the high and start turning in opposite direction. Where do u think the fund goes to? Think about it
102450266 : Unfortunately it's not going downwards anymore
101569031 102450266 : Everyday is falling, it has been falling for several days.
102450266 101569031 : Whatever comes down will have to go up eventually. It's just a matter of when isn't it? Honestly, do you think crypto, tesla, broadcom will keep breaking record high time after time? Once it's at the high and start turning in opposite direction. Where do u think the fund goes to? Think about it
101569031 102450266 : 是这么说没错,需要时间的.特斯拉真的是太猛了天天涨天天刷新高
102450266 101569031 : Let tesla enjoy the party first