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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ did any of you see fast money tonight wit...

$NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ did any of you see fast money tonight with Kramer where you talked about the technical chartist with 60 years of experience his name is Larry Williams you can do a Google search and see his accuracy is win losses his ability to call major turns in the market within a couple of days. anyway based off of his charting he says that the day before Jensen is going to be speaking is the absolute peak and Nvidia which is coming up this month and then you will see a significant precipitous sell-off that will come down in three tiers and this also creates a major sell-off in the S&p and the NASDAQ as well this correction is going to last through the month of May and start in about a week.
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  • 103115790 : Meaning? More fall coming?

  • Dark Forest Trading : Then why is Larry Williams only worth 50 millions ?  Why isn’t he a billionaire by now?

  • 10baggerbamm OP Dark Forest Trading : if you did a Google what is Larry Williams worth I think your response is worth exactly the amount of time energy and effort that went into coming up with the answer which is zero because somebody posts what they think somebody's worth online doesn't make it true that's number one number two he has an enormous following of people and if you look at the major calls that have come true over 30 years not the inter day swings not the sector swings but the mass of sell-offs peaks and troughs he's nailed them and he's coming out saying that we are about a week and a half away from the beginning of a multi-month massive sell-off in the S&p and on the NASDAQ and his chart coincidentally coincides to be the day before Jensen speaks and that would be the absolute peak of Nvidia prior to a massive sell-off throughout the broad market. I don't know if it's going to happen clearly we're going to find out.. I've also learned it's very easy to rattle someone's feathers after you have a bit of shake out like what happened today in the marketplace. all that being said he's called the major swings in the market accurately and not one time he didn't call like marry meeker and then did nothing ever again he's been right on the major sell-offs and the major bottoms when to buy

  • 10baggerbamm OP 103115790 : yes he's calling for a multi-month sell-off that's going to last through the end of May it will have two early perceived entry points which are nothing but traps and then the third blow off which is the entry point to buy which is the last week in May and he's saying that his charts are indicative that Nvidia will peak the day before Jensen speaks this month and then it's straight down and that will trigger a Cascade effect in a NASDAQ and in the S&p and that there will be two pauses and people will perceive them to be entry points and they will get trapped that the one to buy is the third one which is end of May.. it certainly got my attention because I went back and I looked at his accuracy rate for the major rallies and the major sell-offs and he's nailed them

  • 103115790 : Well... Its best to be carefull..slow play

  • Powdahound 10baggerbamm OP : Thanks for the warning

  • 102514703 : The market is watching the reports over the past few days and Powell's statements and financial reports on investments in other stock markets. It took a long time to observe

  • Dark Forest Trading 10baggerbamm OP : thank you for the heads up, I will keep that in mind. I actually had read about him

  • 刻苦的饕餮 : Is there a link to his article please

  • Melissa Mullins : He is correct,  the number Jerome Powell has been using are a month old.  January stats were good due to Xmas, Feb stats we ok because companies were just starting to lay ppl off, march is here and today he talks about finally cutting rates.  By the time our government realizes our countrymen are having financial issues, it’s already here!  That’s why every time they cut rates after the issues peak up.  They then have to print money to help ppl, businesses and banks yet again weakens the dollar because the more money you print the less it’s worth.  Problem is this time around business will not discount anything because they believe consumers are use to paying high prices now.  Jerome Powell is always a day late and a dollar short.

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.