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Mag 7 earnings: A critical juncture leading to where?
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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ did anybody listen yesterday to Jensen at...

$NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ did anybody listen yesterday to Jensen at the tech conference? I hope I'm wrong let me preface it by saying that. I listen to Jensen for over a year and a half speak and I've gone back prior to me taking investments in the company I listen to him from several years ago everything that I could source and find and something seemed very very off yesterday. ordinarily Jensen commands a room he's very dynamic he's very jovial and upbeat when he speaks.. yesterday this woman who writes for a tech publication who had a stack of cards in front of her and she was firing questions at Jensen and this was agreed to and he evidently did not know the questions in advance unlike politicians.. but yesterday he seemed very very off and he seemed extremely I would say worried about the inevitable question being asked is the only way that I could preface this. I've interviewed myself about a thousand plus people to pick a number over the years when I had my businesses and they sat across and you asking questions why do you want to work here blah blah and you get to see people in their element outside of their element you get to see people when they're nervous when they're not. Jensen seem very very off... and then there was a question yesterday that the woman asked that seemed like it derailed him from his answer. she said your company's been very fortunate to have tailwinds this entire time but it appears that it now may be facing headwinds.. this is not an exact question you can go back and look but that's the gist of what he was asked. and he stuttered and paused and then he attempt to make a joke. and that really has me very concerned because when people try to make light of a very serious topic it's almost as if they're hiding something. and his response was more of a deflection than a direct answer and I know they're in a quiet period right now from an accounting standpoint where they are not permitted to disclose. but his response was well you know in so many words well we've never had tail winds because we're innovating and we're always facing challenges and everything is always in our face we're creating new categories new markets we're going against proven and would be so much easier to use the same approach that's been working which is referring to Intel's approach and Moore's law rather than are innovative way of solving problems. so I hope I'm dead wrong but to me every question that he was asked he tried to deflect and change to a different topic like a politician. and he seemed extremely nervous and anxious through the first half of these questions and only after the break when he sat with Mark zuckerbucks, did he appear to be back in his Norm where he could have a conversation with him about the future of AI and where they see the world going to and technology evolving to and how they're going to play a key part. at any rate I just wanted to put this out there to see if anybody else picked up on what I observed from Jensen and again I hope I'm dead wrong but I'm very very concerned that maybe they had a push-off in orders this quarter waiting for Blackwell in the fall. and I know that was a concern last quarter that he addressed by saying look everything that we have is stackable it doesn't become obsolete it's it's a build upon approach so you're not investing and then you have product obsolescence when the next version comes out everything is buildable stackable and you're not going to suffer at all from speed loss or anything like that. did anybody listen from the beginning yesterday and what are your thoughts???
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  • lostmypizza : I'm no doctor, but he may have some stomach pain and needed to use the toilet in the first half.

  • 10baggerbamm OP lostmypizza : something was not right that's why I put it out there you know he he did say during the interview about the elevation of where the meeting was taking place because he was swallowing very hard and he was drinking water and even the woman said take a sip of water but something seriously was wrong something just didn't seem right with him

  • MomentumPython1337 : prolly just worked himself too hard and burnt out, not everyone is in their best conditions all the time methinks

    i have connections in the industry and nvda and all I'm hearing is they're overbooked all the way so i really doubt it's about the orders.

    jensen could also just be not very excited by talks about business/financials as opposed to the AI stuff which he got to talk about with Zuckerberg later

  • R30R : It felt like the hesitancy came from not knowing the details (so avoiding going into it to not end up misquoting).

    There may be clients holding off on orders waiting for Blackwell. But seeing how their order pipeline is already overbooked, I think it could just be discomfort with the line or questioning + not 100% mentally or physically.

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.
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