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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ ever wonder why the first 2 candles on ye...

$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ ever wonder why the first 2 candles on yest 1hr charting is so bearish? there is a technical reason beind it, not becos of news (often a cover up reason for the rise or fall). that comes to explain to the public afterwhich, pos effect.
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  • 73372627 : Wolfe (white wolf), I  am 100% for the first time with you, you come with an very pertinent question, in general I critic for negative inputs.

    Early today I give to an user some tips how to look for the day trend, and now you come with a very fine observation, I congratulate you for this.

    In the last few months, better 3 months, the pattern of high volume at 9:32:59 and 9:33:59 high volume, add the 8 AM to 8:32 AM.

    If you has the level 3 (three) you can see will come from the same sources. As example today at 9:32:59 AM you has 11.5 mill Nasdaq and 4.5 mill on Nyse for NVDA. I do not mention others big stocks.

    As for today I saw same origins of trading as usual and majority go to the brokers for shorteage and options using Bots.

    Is very strange for me why the SEC do not intervine or investigate, but IMHO must be something political behind.

    Looking at the ammount of the calls and puts yesterday night for today, I told to myself will be green NVDA. But no. Same Bots come back at 14 (2 PM) which show me it is wanted. Manny peoples was wash again (3rd week strait). Do the dicton: "You own nothing but be happy" start to emplify??? I do not know, but we have to be vigilents.

    Some how they play. ZBRA, WMT, TSM, NVDA, LRCX, INTC, AVGO go down but theirs contraparts like SMCI, SERV, ON, NVEE, TSLA was up.

    For me seem a force bigger then we think play this.

    Very good observation. Congrat.

    PS: Install level 3 Nasdaq to see better. Level 3 Broker will give you also the names.

“THE GREAT WHITE WOLF 白狼传奇” 🐺 新手暴于追高 老手埋在劳低 高手高估杆杠 只有神话懂的约束自如 冬眠的白狼神话