Sure did I’m so stupid I thought investing was a good idea that’s for suckers!! It’s all about puts, shorting, there’s always another company to trash people futures, that’s what the hedges are doing right. Now it’s everyone tearing it all down. Morals fuck morals when comes to money. Why pay for shit when we can steal it, that’s for suckers too. Shit pay when we’re done there won’t be any place to were to busy trashing companies!! I’m learning now. That’s what a shorter is right? Did I get it confused, you make money by betting against the stock. Trashing the value of the stock which trashes the value of a company and we make money on that. Then we laugh at the suckers who work hard to build their future so we can feel good about what how made our money. I want to make sure that’s how it’s done so I get right!!
LittleSoldier : Sure did I’m so stupid I thought investing was a good idea that’s for suckers!! It’s all about puts, shorting, there’s always another company to trash people futures, that’s what the hedges are doing right. Now it’s everyone tearing it all down. Morals fuck morals when comes to money. Why pay for shit when we can steal it, that’s for suckers too. Shit pay when we’re done there won’t be any place to were to busy trashing companies!!
I’m learning now. That’s what a shorter is right? Did I get it confused, you make money by betting against the stock. Trashing the value of the stock which trashes the value of a company and we make money on that. Then we laugh at the suckers who work hard to build their future so we can feel good about what how made our money. I want to make sure that’s how it’s done so I get right!!