Stock Grader
Stock Grader
The problem is there’s a lot of traders here with no experience following other people’s comments and make stupid decisions. Through out the years I still don’t think I have reached the expert level yet, and I have learnt from my mistakes one of them is DONT LISTEN TO YouTube,Reddit and what people say on crypto and stocks always Do your own research and learn from your mistakes.
browny_440 : sell sell sell worst stock ever run away even the ceo ran away and entered the meme stocks
browny_440 : red red red
Magin justin browny_440 : And get gme right? You’re egregious
browny_440 : amc and gme to 100k
Stock Grader browny_440 : How much did u spend on puts on Friday
LittleSoldier : Judging by his nonsense post probably a lot, he sound pretty worried. Oops did you mess up little shorter
Stock Grader LittleSoldier :
Stock Grader Stock Grader : The problem is there’s a lot of traders here with no experience following other people’s comments and make stupid decisions. Through out the years I still don’t think I have reached the expert level yet, and I have learnt from my mistakes one of them is DONT LISTEN TO YouTube,Reddit and what people say on crypto and stocks always Do your own research and learn from your mistakes.
Maple メープル Stock Grader : I’m sure he spend a lot put option on Friday and threaten other people to sell.