73714523 : Hold
101578681 : what is your holding price?
•SE7EN• : sell
Justice Bao : sell
easygoing Moose_3874 OP 101578681 : 125
Michael Fong : Don't sell unless you badly need the money.
junclj1223 : Buy
easygoing Moose_3874 OP : hard to decided
easygoing Moose_3874 OP : dont know what happeb to us market
Heng Ong Huat arh easygoing Moose_3874 OP : hold it it will recover
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73714523 : Hold
101578681 : what is your holding price?
•SE7EN• : sell
Justice Bao : sell
easygoing Moose_3874 OP 101578681 : 125
Michael Fong : Don't sell unless you badly need the money.
junclj1223 : Buy
easygoing Moose_3874 OP : hard to decided
easygoing Moose_3874 OP : dont know what happeb to us market
Heng Ong Huat arh easygoing Moose_3874 OP : hold it
it will recover
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