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AI chip boom: Who will reshape the AI landscape?
Views 985K Contents 67

$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ I believe you're going to see the failure...

$NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ I believe you're going to see the failures within 1600 Pennsylvania avenue fire back at China by going to Nvidia and saying that they're going to prohibit them from selling any and all chips to China.. they already went to Nvidia and they said you can't sell your newest chip as a matter of national security so they're selling a lower version to China I think now because of China's strike with AMD and Intel saying that they're going to be phased out of their Telecom that they don't want to use American manufactured chips I think the Biden administration is going to go back to Nvidia and tell them you're not going to be selling your chips to China at all
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  • Seven Trades : How do you think that will impact their income statement?

  • 10baggerbamm OP Seven Trades : I'm only speculating with my comment but just looking at the actions of the failures within the White House and their administration they use us companies as their pawns rather than enforce policy based off of strength they're using us companies and the proof Intel first they were going to give him money for a chip plant and then they pulled it away and the stock fell and then Intel agreed to a lot of terms and now the money is going back to Intel and then obviously you remember clearly about Nvidia you can't sell your chip that you say to the art chip to China it's got to be a lower version and a hit Nvidia stock and then they came out with a new version just for China so how will this impact Nvidia if it happens significantly is the answer.. and quite frankly I could realistically see Nvidia and other companies saying we're going to move our base of operations outside of the United States we're going to sell to whomever we want to sell to you have your own economic problems and we're not going to be upon that you're going to kill because your house is a disaster

  • RVLTN : So you agree the word “Democracy” is fully hijacked?
    What you’re stating is a Fascist regime and I don’t disagree. We have a weekend at Bernie’s president, his circle of war criminals are the most inept, incompetent, and self serving group of loons ever allowed near power for this country. They’ve succeeded at pulling Russia into a war with ALL of the “West”, outed those same countries for the B*tches they are - Hello, Germany, France, JFC grow some and save your people. They’ve destroyed Ukraine and have no problem letting France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland etc , destroy themselves by baiting Russia.
    All this while doing ZERO for America itself. They stand by the Psychotic War criminal Zionist nutballs as IZZRiEL comes to where it will cease to exist. This ends with Palestine returning to their land of all of it nuked, by BeBe or by his arrogance causing it.  (1/3)

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.