Those people never really invest. They have no idea what is the menning of investing, the correlation with the economy and etc.
Majority of those apps show me chip persons who fly in the sky fo 10 bucks win, LOL
stop while you're there and invest. open an IRA and contribute to it monthly. buy VOO, or something similar and let it sit. you'll make way more long term than you ever will trying to "trade". These dudes pushing this shit like they know are just liars.
Already have that, this is just a hobby. It can be challenging that’s for sure. I’ve learned some of what not to do the hard way, but I’m getting a little better each month! Beats having the cash in a savings account and way more exciting! Thanks for the advice
ok good and I do the same I dabble in day trading calls when my indicators show me a possible trade. made 3k today on nvda 144 calls so it was a good day we will see if I touch anything the rest of the week though. just be smart and know when to step back, man. no one truly gets wealthy in a day. good luck out there
Ya the concept of calls and puts, I don’t fully understand. So I’ve stayed away from it till I get a better grasp on how it works exactly. The idea of short a stock I believe in doesn’t appeal to me. Betting against a company I want to succeed. I see the value behind the concept I guess. I bought 2 shares during the split and pretty much gonna hold them for the next 15 year for retirement. I’ve got some Broadcom and I’ve been playing with Smr’s for about 4 months. I can see the value down the road with data centers and Ev charging stations etc.
yellowdude : there is no way!!!
Amina B SpacemanSter :
it's quite annoying ha ha
WeiTheSaint469 SpacemanSter : is that why I was right and you thought I was wrong?
JCpennyStonks OP : bep bep boop bep
73372627 SpacemanSter : Those people never really invest. They have no idea what is the menning of investing, the correlation with the economy and etc.
Majority of those apps show me chip persons who fly in the sky fo 10 bucks win, LOL
LittleSoldier SpacemanSter : First year trading actually 10 months 5k invested I’m down about $85 for the year! But yes I see your point!
SpacemanSter LittleSoldier : stop while you're there and invest. open an IRA and contribute to it monthly. buy VOO, or something similar and let it sit. you'll make way more long term than you ever will trying to "trade". These dudes pushing this shit like they know are just liars.
LittleSoldier SpacemanSter : Already have that, this is just a hobby. It can be challenging that’s for sure. I’ve learned some of what not to do the hard way, but I’m getting a little better each month! Beats having the cash in a savings account and way more exciting!
Thanks for the advice
SpacemanSter LittleSoldier : ok good and I do the same I dabble in day trading calls when my indicators show me a possible trade. made 3k today on nvda 144 calls so it was a good day we will see if I touch anything the rest of the week though. just be smart and know when to step back, man. no one truly gets wealthy in a day. good luck out there
LittleSoldier SpacemanSter : Ya the concept of calls and puts, I don’t fully understand. So I’ve stayed away from it till I get a better grasp on how it works exactly. The idea of short a stock I believe in doesn’t appeal to me. Betting against a company I want to succeed. I see the value behind the concept I guess. I bought 2 shares during the split and pretty much gonna hold them for the next 15 year for retirement. I’ve got some Broadcom and I’ve been playing with Smr’s for about 4 months. I can see the value down the road with data centers and Ev charging stations etc.
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