CoWHideTrader : too high bro...this we call diskon
Harry0804 : I usually buy when the market opens. In general, it tends to drop after I buy. Just now, I sold it with a stop-loss order.
CWK888 : So it's starting to rise now
江畔何人初见月 OP Harry0804 : hahahaha metaphysics
江畔何人初见月 OP CoWHideTrader : 调整调整也挺好的 大盘也需要调整
CoWHideTrader 江畔何人初见月 OP : You're right. It takes some time to adapt to the market
CoWHideTrader : too high bro...this we call diskon
Harry0804 : I usually buy when the market opens. In general, it tends to drop after I buy. Just now, I sold it with a stop-loss order.
CWK888 : So it's starting to rise now
江畔何人初见月 OP Harry0804 : hahahaha metaphysics
江畔何人初见月 OP CoWHideTrader : 调整调整也挺好的 大盘也需要调整
CoWHideTrader 江畔何人初见月 OP : You're right. It takes some time to adapt to the market