wahlao : today is likely a up day, buy while u can
NobiNub OP wahlao : I see, thank you!
Leslielee : Second thought, ppl will profit taking before the result out .
LucasAbigail : Actually.. not a good idea to enter now. Because entering today is basically a gamble on the ER. If u had wanted, u should have entered when it was trending below $140… ie Monday
BIR : tomorrowregular hour
AD999 LucasAbigail : True, today’s buy is either win big or lose huge.
Brown Su : Does it matter if u are investing in a long run? Unless u are trading short term
wahlao : today is likely a up day, buy while u can
NobiNub OP wahlao : I see, thank you!
Leslielee : Second thought, ppl will profit taking before the result out .
LucasAbigail : Actually.. not a good idea to enter now. Because entering today is basically a gamble on the ER. If u had wanted, u should have entered when it was trending below $140… ie Monday
BIR : tomorrowregular hour
AD999 LucasAbigail : True, today’s buy is either win big or lose huge.
Brown Su : Does it matter if u are investing in a long run? Unless u are trading short term