102450266 : Smart decision
Ealrion : For some weird reason, when tesla drop nvda will rise
逢买就跌的老林昔加末 OP Ealrion : some how they have reverse relationship in this multiverse , a reverse "quantum anti entanglement "
大学牲希望明年上岸 Ealrion : Liquidity is limited, so when one rises, the liquidity comes from somewhere else
102450266 : Smart decision
Ealrion : For some weird reason, when tesla drop nvda will rise
逢买就跌的老林昔加末 OP Ealrion : some how they have reverse relationship in this multiverse , a reverse "quantum anti entanglement "
大学牲希望明年上岸 Ealrion : Liquidity is limited, so when one rises, the liquidity comes from somewhere else