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Nvidia's 2024 AGM highlights: Pay packages and new AI market strategies
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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ let me take a moment and explain to peopl...

$NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ let me take a moment and explain to people why a Fed rate cut matters. Nvidia has no debt most of the leading software companies leading chip companies have no debt so The logical conclusion is why would it matter to them and the answer is it doesn't matter and it will not stop the stock appreciation until there is a detour in the road as a result of the higher for longer interest rates. every 3 months the United States is accumulating another trillion dollars in debt service that's 4 trillion a year in interest payments at the current rate when you have a government that spends more every quarter because they don't want to disappoint anybody they don't want to lose votes at some point you get to an impasse across Road. the immediate crossroad is a Moody's downgrade we have already had two of the three downgrade coincidentally during Democratic run administrations Moody's already made comments earlier last year and now we're getting other countries around the world saying that the debt service of the United States needs to be remedied rectified curtailed you can go read what they said but other countries are coming out and saying that the spending problem because it's not a tax issue it's not a revenue problem it's a spending problem is out of control and it's unsustainable. and what we're facing and everybody has heard this before is on the real estate side which is what took down the market no way House of cards watch the movie great movie.. I lived it I owned a very large mortgage company during the time frame. when they start to Mark the market the regional Banks as a result of the commercial properties that are sitting there 20% rented 30% 40%, they're going to lose 70 to 80% of the value and that will impose an enormous burden on their reserve ratio it will exceed in many cases some of the smaller regional Banks reserve ratios and this will be much worse than silicon valley Bank out of California a year and 3 months ago. this is why we need rates to be reduced as soon as possible number one Keynesian economics doesn't work that's my opinion I only have a master's degree but I am an idiot right. where was inflation under Trump well under two Larry kudlow should be running the Federal reserve so when Trump wins that's who he needs to appoint and fire chairman Mao. and remedy this impending doomsday scenario because that's what it is and it will completely derail the market. if they Mark the market they being every regional Bank and keep in mind I own a leverage ETF on regional Banks and I own or leverage real estate investment trust in quite a bit of size so I have risk Plus all of the common stocks and everything else and everybody else owns in the same boat as you. if they were to revalue and have an appraisal done just like when you buy a house the market would be down 6 to 7,000 points tomorrow because we would be facing a major Nationwide which will transform into global banking crisis yet again. that's why rates need to come down so the corporations don't default on the commercial properties they may need to bring money to closing to refinance but they have it now and everything gets taken care of in the process if you wait to 2% like Mao wants chairman Mel it's too late
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