The shorters as per now, do not help the market. I hope the fees for shorters will become universal as per ex: 15 to 25%. Then this crazy manipulations will stop. Shorters will be, no doubt but at the level of investors not like now beginers.
LittleSoldier : That’s a terrible thing to say!!
Oracle Delphine OP LittleSoldier : I've been warning the shorts for a while now. don't get trapped :)
LittleSoldier Oracle Delphine OP : O I know but why? They talk shit all day long and then rub it in your face! They plain and simple deserve it!!
73372627 : The shorters as per now, do not help the market. I hope the fees for shorters will become universal as per ex: 15 to 25%. Then this crazy manipulations will stop. Shorters will be, no doubt but at the level of investors not like now beginers.