104790679 : Bye. Don’t come back.
OK 哥 OP 104790679 : Don't worry, I will definitely come back. I'll be back soon.
月入100K : Can you take a screenshot for us to see the sell order?
面如冠玉的惠特克 : 135 Jian.
IPELove : trying hard to lure other in buying China stock . Please don't buy it's Goinv Dip and Dip down the floor.
104790679 : Bye. Don’t come back.
OK 哥 OP 104790679 : Don't worry, I will definitely come back. I'll be back soon.
月入100K : Can you take a screenshot for us to see the sell order?
面如冠玉的惠特克 : 135 Jian.
IPELove : trying hard to lure other in buying China stock . Please don't buy it's Goinv Dip and Dip down the floor.