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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ on CNBC right now Coreweave CEO is on. t...

$NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ on CNBC right now Coreweave CEO is on.
the long and the short he's saying that they are being contacted and the statement is we want to buy everything everything that you can manufacture everything that you have and he says and this is a reoccurring conversation with virtually every company. he said the build out is insatiable. the question was asked to him well at what point does this change and he says well companies are planning some 9 months out some 3 years out some 5 years out and they keep saying we will buy everything. then he was asked who do you buy from what companies do you buy from? and his responses are clients only want Nvidia. he was asked so you're not buying from anybody else from any of the other guys and he says listen they only want Nvidia.
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  • 10baggerbamm OP : follow up
    he was asked do you believe President Trump's statements from last night which is geared towards trade embargoes/tarrifs with China will limit the sales of AI chips going forward.
    the CEO says the forward driving is governed by the generations of chips that are being developed and the build-out of the infrastructure to put the compute to work. in other words and this is somebody who's on the front line he's saying that the restrictions and limitations set forth by political leaders have no effect on the growth and the sales because it's in such a early stages that every next generation chip is evolutionary that the demand is insatiable and then they have to build out the data centers and we're in the very early stages of this happening we're not on the back end in 2028 where the data centers are already built and now companies can be more selective what they buy and at what price point. so the saying and everybody's heard it the market climbs a wall of worry for those that are getting beat up this morning and that's me and millions of others you have to look beyond the knee-jerk reactions because the market slams first and ask questions later. and we have seen multiple times this year where companies are marked down significantly only to come back and set new highs look at meta just putting that out there they had such an enormous increase in capex nobody was expecting it they hammered that stock and had you bought on weakness and there were a few money manager said take advantage of this it's a gift a year out you'll wish you didn't back the truck up if you would have done that you would have produced tremendous games much greater than the S&P or any other index here today. so this is a bloody Wednesday it's terrible because I'm very tech-oriented tech laden like many others here and they're marking everything down Tesla doesn't make a difference Microsoft but you have to look at the future and where we are in this industrial revolution called AI.

  • Kendadon1 : They trying to monopolize nvidia….. they already in trouble with France

  • 10baggerbamm OP 10baggerbamm OP : follow up pt 2
    and if you believed in Ives and you believe Tom Lee and you believe Jensen we're in the early stages and if you were around in 1998-99 with the internet just coming online and I know it was built out in the seventies and the internet as we know it was coming to fruition in the 90s and you look how much has changed over the years that's where we are right now we're way back in the early stages of this game again data centers are not even built yet they're just being constructed these are multi-year projects and then they have to power up these data centers that's why everyone's chasing uranium stocks most of these companies are pre-revenue you want to talk about risky that's bubbles it's not your Nvidia which is 100% pre sold out and then on allocation where people want everything and they're only giving a little bit that's a hell of a problem to have from a business standpoint. so if you have cash available and you have a 6 month to one year horizon these are the days that you need to be buying and it may go lower it probably will go lower because that's what happens in the stock market the markets irrational however at the end of the day the worst days that we have seen have been the best buying opportunities there are.

  • digimonX : I m not surprised CoreWeave says "clients only want nVidia". There is bias towards nVidia because CoreWeave is an AI startup "heavily backed" by nVidia.  See article below:

    Source: Nvidia-Backed Cloud AI Startup CoreWeave Seeks IPO: Report

  • 10baggerbamm OP digimonX : well you may say it's biased however when you're a business owner you have to supply what your customers demand that's just a fact of life you can't shove something down somebody's throat for any extended period and expect them to stay a customer of yours. so while they may be backed by Nvidia he said we buy all the technology and we evaluated from a performance base and our customers only want Nvidia. you have to either accept what he is saying as the truth or you believe it to be some conspiracy theory I mean the fact of the matter is Jensen said their next generation Blackwell is going to be the greatest development in Nvidia and then nvidia's already said the next one Ruben is in the works. so if you're not going to believe the CEO who are you going to believe?

  • 10baggerbamm OP digimonX : pt 2 of?
    everybody runs now towards Intel cuz they say it's cheap but you have to look at the CEOs ability to execute and you look at his results over several years and he's lost 50% of shareholder value it's a little less now it's going from 30 to 35 and back to 34 whatever it's splitting hairs. again are the data centers built yet have the problem of powering them been alleviated and the answer is no when you talk about utility companies or nuclear facilities being built these are multi-year build-outs there's a tremendous amount of regulation and I'm certainly not an expert on that but I can tell you having dealt at a local level just a question from somebody just a complaint from somebody can delay projects months at a time. so this is a generational transformation that's taking place and asking the open-ended questions well will there be a time when Nvidia sale slow yeah of course there will be will there be a time where there's competition yeah of course there will be that's like saying will there be a time that the sun supernovas yeah there will be and then in which case none of this matters does it? there will be a time in video sales slow there will be a time at some point in the future I don't know when nobody does it's conjecture where they miss expectations where they don't guide higher where the stock gets hammered but you know what apples only growing yet right now projected 5% and it's at all time highs growing at 5% and Nvidia is more than a chip company there's software where's Intel is just a chip company so when you buy stock I've said this before you're investing in the CEO's ability to execute.

  • 10baggerbamm OP digimonX : pt 3
    so when you invest in a company I'll give you an analogy I'll give you two you're hiring that person as if you are an employer who do you want to hire a visionary who has proven that they have the ability to overcome insurmountable odds and execute or do you want to hire somebody that always falls short that has excuses?
    I'll give you another analogy I'm sure there's many here that play fantasy football I don't get it I can't explain how it's done I don't understand betting odds that I hear on TV it's not my thing but I'm sure there's people here that have their fantasy team that understand all of the nuances.
    when you invest your building your fantasy stock portfolio you're picking the best CEOs in different sectors to play the game.
    and in this game there's no participation trophies if your second place the riches go to the winner of the game The spoils of victory go to the winners.

  • digimonX 10baggerbamm OP : I m just pointing out there is bias because nVidia is invested in CoreWeave.  What do u expect the CEO of CoreWeave to say?  AMD or Intel's GPUs are more cost effective? seriously? u wanna have funding cut or lose ur job?

    This is like asking a democrat who he/she wants to be the next president, although we know for a fact their nominee is senile.

  • 10baggerbamm OP digimonX : AMD is not in the same league nor is Intel they're not they do not have comparable chips they absolutely do not it's like comparing a division one football team to a high school football team and saying yeah our high school team will beat your division 1 team it's not happening unless the bus doesn't show up for the other team

  • digimonX 10baggerbamm OP : u obviously can't read properly or have problem understanding.  I was not saying AMD or Intel is better than nVidia.  I was merely highlighting what the CEO of CoreWeave would or would not say knowing the fact that his company is funded by nVidia.  He wouldn't want funding cut or lose his job if he promoted products of nVidia's competitors right?  Seriously think abt this...

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