smci has already become dispensable for nvidia. In the future, in gb200, its importance will be even lower, dragging down too many times. smci is just buying chips. After bankruptcy, other manufacturers are still waiting to buy cheaply.
Lol the shorters and bears come to spread their nonsense, if smci falls the biggest gainers are Dell and HP, how does that affects NV if every Blackwell cards they can make is still gonna be sold out . NV doesn't cares who helps them setup it up as long as direct clients buy the cards. The only qns is whether NV can produce enough Blackwell card to justify its stock price that's all.
If it's fujifilm holdings corporation unsponsored adr, then the impact is severe. fujifilm holdings corporation unsponsored adr has a huge factory specifically built for nvidia, and it is much bigger than gb200.
102721362 : Losing alot at SMCI?
151608643 : SMCI is just a small brother helping with assembly, just transfer the business to DELL.
105251507 OP 151608643 : bro they buy nvdia blackwell...if smci fall..how can they keep buying nvdia chip?
105251507 OP 102721362 : yup..smci buy lot of chip from nvdia.
102514703 : smci has already become dispensable for nvidia. In the future, in gb200, its importance will be even lower, dragging down too many times. smci is just buying chips. After bankruptcy, other manufacturers are still waiting to buy cheaply.
SiaCW 105251507 OP : mag7 are readily to snap up all the chip if smci don't buy
tataru : Lol the shorters and bears come to spread their nonsense, if smci falls the biggest gainers are Dell and HP, how does that affects NV if every Blackwell cards they can make is still gonna be sold out . NV doesn't cares who helps them setup it up as long as direct clients buy the cards. The only qns is whether NV can produce enough Blackwell card to justify its stock price that's all.
102514703 : If it's fujifilm holdings corporation unsponsored adr, then the impact is severe. fujifilm holdings corporation unsponsored adr has a huge factory specifically built for nvidia, and it is much bigger than gb200.
villan : wow super NV already enough to justice have done your justify that's all
villan : SMCI ready too