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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ stop showing us your gains.. show your lo...

$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ stop showing us your gains.. show your losses as well
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  • Too late : lol no body lose on current price

  • LittleSoldier : Well, I have some huge losses, at least for me, but that has an explanation! 1) Stupidity 2) inexperience and 3) Fear but it’s funny how losses teaches a person not to make the same stupid mistakes! At least we hope!

  • 71499852 : Im a beginner at this and bought at the peak around 130 so yeah, learning bit by bit making sure i set a stop loss with this Stock, so far been able to recoup most of my loses now about 50USD left,  im hoping to break even by the time earnings come along.

  • 74267684 71499852 : did you only buy 1 share?

  • Simon 5183 71499852 : A stock that is always rising and promising doesn't seem to need a stop loss. The stop loss is misleading by the bears. When the stock price falls, you go shopping and have a drink at Starbucks. After a few days, it rises again. If you don't sell, there is no loss!

  • 104426349 Too late : 125

  • BeautyAndTheBull 74267684 : Average down. Wait for major dips before buying again. I made a similar mistake. My first stock purchase, I made after hours, so I thought I was buying at 107, but when the market opened, my order executed at 114. I was able to buy below 100 afterwards & averaged down to 109. Still trying to reduce it with time, but I'm not entirely mad about 109 either. If I had placed a huge order, I would have sold to break even & re-started with more knowledge. So, if you only have a few shares at 130, I would still hold it there & average down with time.

I trade mainly Tech stocks.