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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ to everyone here that's whining that need...

$NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ to everyone here that's whining that needs to sit down when they pee. all we're seeing is a cyclical rotation among The magnificent seven now Tesla is loved again just think of all these libtards these pension plans that sold out calpers has some and you listen to that dumb broad on the conference call the shareholders call where they had to vote for Elon must pay raise you see the stupidity level that exists within California and by the way God help us if Gavin new scum replaces Biden. so obviously Nvidia split and now people are selling 10% 20%. that's all it is because if you're going to buy Microsoft you have to understand then in order for them to have success nvdia achieves greater success if you're going to buy meta if you're going to buy Tesla if you're going to buy any company you have to own Nvidia because they are the cash cow and beyond Elon Musk and beyond The pencil neck geek of meta who puts everybody in freaking Facebook jail you have countries around the world that are lining up to buy chips except France fuck you France no chip for you as in no soup for you soup Nazi remember that.
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  • 10baggerbamm OP : so this is where you want to accumulate nvdia it's going to sit and spin it may have a $5 up day and then we'll be down $3 but we're in the how can you relate to this hibernation. or what do you call it when a slug thing that spins that web and ultimately hatches and turns into a butterfly or moth been a long time since I was in elementary school somebody will remind me. if you look Amazon's breaking out Apple was dog shit 3 months ago now look at it everybody's eating fucking Crow Tesla older sales are down well look at the freaking stock and it's going a lot higher but who's growing revenues quicker than anybody else Nvidia who's powering every company that exists in the world say it Nvidia. so we're entering the by the dip no it's not going to rally that much it's down to three whatever let these asshole bobbleheads on TV talk shit guy adami he fucking sucks balls this guy I can't believe has any clients left. so patience pays put money in it by The leverage ETF you may be down a few bucks up a few bucks don't sell it because either you believe that we are early in the game or not if you don't short it and I'll send flowers to your funeral

  • InfiltradeR :

  • 10baggerbamm OP InfiltradeR : exactly I've said that so many times and have done that for side hustles years back in my life let everybody else swing for the fence I'll sell them the bats and balls same exact thing. so these idiots on TV oh it's expensive you know who those people are they didn't own a freaking share the whole way up in the past year and a half and what are they say oh I'm looking at Lowe's in Home Depot right now okay I get it you need a rate cut I got to leverage ETF called nail I'm buying through an option place olden naked put today tried to buy the call didn't get executed but look I get it but those are cyclical Giants every company for GM Chipotle Right add that into the list they're giant monsters they're mature companies at this point and when things look great is when you want to sell them look at Boeing that garbage because they went woke it's a joke Target look at Target they screwed up royally today they announced their dei is going to b i e because they're not going to embrace it anymore from a corporate standpoint why because they're losing money they embrace the political elite left morons like Budweiser did and Nelly suffer the consequences.

  • 10baggerbamm OP 10baggerbamm OP : so by great companies when everybody's focused on bullshit they're buying uranium stocks right now have you looked at these shit companies they're pre-revenue that means they have no sales and they're bidding these shit companies up these are the epitome of the com stocks is uranium mining companies that are going to power the next AI don't fucking touch them because it's going to end real freaking ugly but these morons on TV throwing video into the com bundle and compare it to Cisco. so it sucks sometimes when the market goes up and the companies that you hold don't do shit or go down to make yourself feel better go listen to Jensen speak go on X Twitter listen to him speak listen to his updates you will be empowered to have invested wisely in one of the smartest men that walk the earth he's right up there with Elon Musk

  • LittleSoldier : Tesla Sucks, and I’m old as fuck so I piss sitting down what of it!!
    But yes don’t believe it’s gonna happen over night, it takes three trips to the bathroom to finish the first Piss so get use to it here before you get to be my age!!!!

  • TrueLove : hard to read without any punctuation...

  • LittleSoldier TrueLove : Figure it out!

  • 10baggerbamm OP TrueLove : don't blame me blame my phone... my old phone use to put commas periods my new one does not. so I just tell people you have a choice you can click ignore and not read what I say or you can take a very large breath before you start to read.

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.