The technology is not good enough. There are many defects. The shipment is always delayed. It helps the competitors to buy time. The profit visibility is low. You can see it but you can’t eat it. Just worth $10. The media says it is good, so small retail investors think it is good. They worship it blindly. They don't even think about who controls the media. Behind them are some disgusting and greedy Jewish capitalists. Understand?
tstocks : it's like a credit score
来这里看人炫富 : The technology is not good enough. There are many defects. The shipment is always delayed. It helps the competitors to buy time. The profit visibility is low. You can see it but you can’t eat it. Just worth $10. The media says it is good, so small retail investors think it is good. They worship it blindly. They don't even think about who controls the media. Behind them are some disgusting and greedy Jewish capitalists. Understand?