WillsonToh : Wow how many share u buy
Kenzo27 OP WillsonToh : I day trade options
WillsonToh : You sell put?
Mandy Lim1688 : Where to play?
Kenzo27 OP : Downtrend, buy puts. Uptrend, buy calls. I close options position on the same day, earning the contract premium. I use indicators like MACD and volume
WillsonToh Kenzo27 OP : What was ur strike price
Kenzo27 OP : 115
WillsonToh : Wow how many share u buy
Kenzo27 OP WillsonToh : I day trade options
WillsonToh : You sell put?
Mandy Lim1688 : Where to play?
Kenzo27 OP : Downtrend, buy puts. Uptrend, buy calls. I close options position on the same day, earning the contract premium. I use indicators like MACD and volume
WillsonToh Kenzo27 OP : What was ur strike price
Kenzo27 OP : 115