SSR - Short Sale restrictions in effect.. last week before closing already close by 10% drop.. so this SSR will take effect.. this is typically known as the SSR bounce… will last until tomorrow end of trading day…
Traders and investors still can sell off… but shorting the stock, to borrow from MM or institutions to sell is restricted…
Options wise not affected, you can buy puts and sell calls
CLOROX : big player buy
Unger : Only retail buying
BuyLowSellHighTrader : 850 by Friday
Divided Sky : Suck up more retail money for the shorties to take
Nicholas Low : Total washing plate
74522835 : a whale buy
OceansWave : SSR - Short Sale restrictions in effect.. last week before closing already close by 10% drop.. so this SSR will take effect.. this is typically known as the SSR bounce… will last until tomorrow end of trading day…
Traders and investors still can sell off… but shorting the stock, to borrow from MM or institutions to sell is restricted…
Options wise not affected, you can buy puts and sell calls