you'll get burned. never short and if ppl know what they're doing they'll don't need you to suggest it. fk off. seriously I'm telling you don't even post here anymore I'm going to encourage ppl to block you. I've been into stocks for years and ppl buy short positions and it's a gamble when market opens there's no telling what will happen it's gambling meanwhile ppl holding shares don't need to do anything but wait. I've seen ppl like you act like big shots and have very small accounts like less then 500 can't even afford a real position to bother going long. new investors should learn to despise ppl like you because they'll sell out of fear and then look back and stock is higher and they'll wish they'd held meanwhile you don't give a fk probably took loss too this is a long term hold top stock on spy and many etfs retail investors should not have to worry about holding it.
I've seen many people like you on this ticker and they all eventually disappear instead of time in the market they quickly blow account thinking they're hot shit shorting it can happen in a day meanwhile us bag holders ain't going no where. you probably bought high it lowered sold at a loss opened a put and when it reverses you'll get wiped further sit there crying about manipulation. the stock market has a way of fking ppl from any angle they can think of that's why we hold long. I can tell by your posts many users like you took loss now you're negative on the ticker. it's not our fault or problem that you don't know what you're doing we shouldn't have to suffer your negativity
HotBalloon OP : dont worry guys...i also cutloss this noob counter..just play short TF
Ultratech HotBalloon OP : you'll get burned. never short and if ppl know what they're doing they'll don't need you to suggest it. fk off. seriously I'm telling you don't even post here anymore I'm going to encourage ppl to block you. I've been into stocks for years and ppl buy short positions and it's a gamble when market opens there's no telling what will happen it's gambling meanwhile ppl holding shares don't need to do anything but wait. I've seen ppl like you act like big shots and have very small accounts like less then 500 can't even afford a real position to bother going long. new investors should learn to despise ppl like you because they'll sell out of fear and then look back and stock is higher and they'll wish they'd held meanwhile you don't give a fk probably took loss too this is a long term hold top stock on spy and many etfs retail investors should not have to worry about holding it.
Ultratech : I've seen many people like you on this ticker and they all eventually disappear instead of time in the market they quickly blow account thinking they're hot shit shorting it can happen in a day meanwhile us bag holders ain't going no where. you probably bought high it lowered sold at a loss opened a put and when it reverses you'll get wiped further sit there crying about manipulation. the stock market has a way of fking ppl from any angle they can think of that's why we hold long. I can tell by your posts many users like you took loss now you're negative on the ticker. it's not our fault or problem that you don't know what you're doing we shouldn't have to suffer your negativity