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NVIDIA's New Growth Factor “Sovereign AI”

The rapid advance of US NVIDIA (NVIDIA), which handles semiconductors for AI (artificial intelligence), has not stopped. The increase in quarterly sales has been 3 times, 3.7 times, and 3.6 times in the past 3 quarters. Going forward, even if demand in the private sector slows down, the company has a solid revenue stream. Also, it seems that the market will continue to expand.

It is predicted that so-called “sovereign AI (AI unique to a nation)” promoted by governments around the world to protect their own culture and national security will further grow NVIDIA.
NVIDIA recently predicted that such a “sovereign AI (AI unique to the nation)” market will reach a scale of 10 billion dollars (about 1 trillion600 billion yen) in 2024 and rapidly expand from almost zero the previous year.
NVIDIA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jenson Hwang has been flying around the world for the past few months. The aim is to encourage governments of various countries, government telecommunications companies, and public utilities to invest in AI.

They met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 23/9, and with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in December. He also visited Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

At the beginning of '24, meetings were held with government officials from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Canada. In June '24, they visited Taipei City to coincide with the IT (Information Technology) trade fair “Taipei International Cyber Exhibition (Computex Taipei)” held in Taiwan, and gave a lecture.
NVIDIA products essential to the “sovereign cloud”

Microsoft in the United States announced in April 24 that it will make a strategic investment of 1.5 billion dollars (about 240 billion yen) in G42, an AI company based in the UAE.

Along with this, G42 runs its own AI applications and services on Microsoft's cloud service “Azure,” and provides advanced AI solutions to the public sector and large enterprises around the world. The two companies will cooperate to provide advanced AI technology and digital infrastructure to the Middle East, Central Asia, and African countries.

Movements to introduce and promote sovereign AI are spreading in countries around the world. The foundation for this is the construction of a “sovereign cloud (cloud unique to the nation)” that cloud companies such as Microsoft support or cooperate with.

Then, NVIDIA's semiconductor products support this. According to analysts, there is also a possibility that NVIDIA will receive fewer orders from technology companies that are central customers in the future.

The company's sales growth is slowing down. However, the movement towards sovereign AI in countries around the world may be a good compensation material for NVIDIA. Analysts expect the company's earnings to continue to rise.
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