Nvidia also announced the launch of Project DIGITS, an AI supercomputer capable of independently running 200 billion parameters. This supercomputer is priced at a very affordable $3000, helping reduce the cost of AI usage and dependency on cloud solutions.
Cosmos model
Finally, Nvidia announced Cosmos, an AI model designed to create photorealistic videos and images. The idea is to use these to create a virtual environment where autonomous systems can be trained. The importance of this advancement will be explained in the following section.
Nvidia: Democratizing AI
The market decided to sell the news, causing Nvidia to drop by 6% on Tuesday. However, given these exciting announcements, this sell-off could present an excellent opportunity to add more Nvidia stocks or initiate positions.
The potential for widespread adoption of AI supercomputers is particularly attractive.
Digits will feature the GB10 Grace Blackwell Superchip that can deliver 1 petaflop of AI performance. This enables users to run large language models with up to 200 billion parameters, and connecting two Digits using Nvidia's ConnectX technology doubles that.
Putting this in context, ChatGPT 3.5 had 175 billion parameters. While the latest version has more, version 3.5 remains very powerful, allowing developers to tap into this power from their laptops without relying on cloud infrastructure.
Placing an AI supercomputer on the desk of every data scientist, AI researcher, and student enables them to engage with and shape the era of AI.
Source: Founder and CEO of NVIDIA, Jensen Huang.
The impact on NVIDIA is huge, and Digits believes it has the potential to dominate the market. The value of AI has now become clear to us, and it is largely limited to large corporations.
The Digits could democratize AI and be an absolute bargain for those looking to profit from AI use at $3,000.
Crunching the numbers
According to Marketresearchfuture, the AI supercomputer market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.18% from now until 2034, reaching a size of $38.79 billion by 2034.
This is not a small amount, and if NVIDIA dominates this market, it could add billions in revenue annually.
However, these estimates may appear very conservative.