Kind Pumpkin : yes can tong or not is the question
Stock Watch OP Kind Pumpkin : waiting for the sale of it sub to be completed... will it's stock price.. need to unload during the
Kind Pumpkin : the contract is still pending? thot it's casted
Stock Watch OP Kind Pumpkin : Not finalised yet.. Need to get approval from authorities
Kind Pumpkin : oops
Kind Pumpkin : yes can tong or not is the question
Stock Watch OP Kind Pumpkin : waiting for the sale of it sub to be completed...
it's stock price.. need to unload during the 

Kind Pumpkin : the contract is still pending? thot it's casted
Stock Watch OP Kind Pumpkin : Not finalised yet.. Need to get approval from authorities
Kind Pumpkin : oops